Breaking into the sea of your heart

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For people I see this i ask, do you really care about the social media aspects of neocities? I'm have nothing truly against neocities but I think I value smaller interactions on say a guestbook or email more, rather than comments or follows on this admittedly shoddy feed interface.
madeinv 5 months ago

This is also unrelated to the controversy regarding a certain site I'm sure your all aware of, I've had this thought churning in my head for a while.

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velvetblue 5 months ago

i personally dont mind the feed and comments, but the followers thing is something i kinda dislike. its a nice way to keep track of sites you like, but at the same time, it very easily brings in drama, toxicity, and a bunch of other ugly stuff

madeinv 5 months ago

yeah, i do like following sites i enjoy as like, a suped up rss feed, but all the other stuff that comes with a follow system is what makes it bleh for me.


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