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been so busy lately, sorry.. but the fashion show i'm in is tomorrow. ^__^
i think i'm done working on the site for tonight... a bit tired.
my strategy, strategy, will get ya, get ya baby...
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ok, FINALLY figured out what's wrong with my code. gonna do some more troubleshooting.
monachopsis 3 months ago

thank god it works now. the verdict: my font files never uploaded correctly in the first place.

why the fuck wont my font-face stylesheet work. genuinely. i've been at this for probably an hour or two in total by now.
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monachopsis 3 months ago

i literally have multiple types of font files and nothing will fucking work. i feel stupid.

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i'm going to put my current homepage up for now... just because it's finished and i want it to have some kind of use. i wanted a landing page too but thats gonna have to wait lol.
i genuinely have no clue how to get my font files to work. they're both ttf files, i just want one font for the headers and one for the body text. i hate to ask, but if anyone would like to email me and troubleshoot, that would be much appreciated... this is driving me insane.
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monachopsis 3 months ago

@angelogistics i peeked around the link you sent me and ... my stylesheet still isn't cooperating. honestly have no clue what i'm doing wrong, but i appreciate your help...

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i am fighting the font function on my site. it only likes one specific font file i have, for some reason.
monachopsis 3 months ago

i am going to explode...

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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedMar 18, 2021
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personal blog diary