Moonlit Blossom!!

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me, kiki, the not-so-fan of change, casually thought, after 5 yrs of being like "yah for highschool i'm totally choosing scientific", suddenly started considering the idea of going to human sciences
moonlit-blossom 2 years ago

idk how it works in other countries but here we have diff kinds of high schools and each one has a certain kind of subjects that are the most important (classic has mostly history, literature etc.,, scientific has mostly math, science etc, artistic has lots of art laboratories and stuff like that)

misswannabe 2 years ago

Well, over here it's all in just one school, but depending on what you pick you get different subjects!! So I'm not sure how changing schools must be like!! Hope that you find what's best for you!! :)

moonlit-blossom 2 years ago

ty!! well, for those who would like to go to uni, like me, choosing a certain high school is already an important step cuz, depending on what u choose at uni, you already have an headstart if you did those subjects at high school, instead of starting from zero! im not so sure abt my future, im still too young to properly think abt it, but this one school is kinda in the middle so its great :D

misswannabe 2 years ago

Oooohhh, that sounds great!! Maybe you can pick that?? Well again, depends on what you truly want though!! You can sit down and think about it, there is enough time!!

moonlit-blossom 2 years ago

yeah it fr sounds nice!! imma think abt it like u said ^^


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