Owl's Roost

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I love the Coping Skills Compendium! Especially the stuff on anxiety, which I have. "Remember that all emotions are temporary" is something my mom has always told me. The journal stuff seems neat too, I might start a journal soon, I honestly need somewhere to rant so it probably will be filled with negativity :P
owlroost 1 year ago

Ranting/venting can be a great use of a journal. It's got to come out somewhere! I find it helps most to follow heavy vents with something positive/optimistic- in my experience, it helps balance out the negativity and levels out my perspective on things. Even "I'm still alive and this will pass" counts.

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owlroost 1 year ago

And I'm glad the compendium helps! Anxiety can be really frustrating to deal with sometimes- I've had more trouble with it than I did with depression. Something my therapist told me was that some anxiety is "top-down" (thoughts -> body) and some is "bottom-up" (body -> thoughts), and it helps more to target the source. Never occurred to me that there was a difference before then.

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CreatedMar 9, 2021
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