Ended up being a much bigger update than anticipated because we added a Projects page to the navigation bar.
Also started improving accessibility by adding alt text to links when necessary, and editing linked text to include where it goes where possible.
Un-broke a button that was broken by the last update. Will likely do more tweaking in the morning.
Called it- did more tweaking and finished up a new essay about integration. I'd say it's worth a read, but we wrote it, so we're biased. :P
Some minor changes to the about page to clarify something, and some major explanatory changes on the peeps page. That page may change names in the future, but we'll see. There's been a bit of a shift in our collective necessitating a lot of changes recently, this page included.
Also added "peanut gallery" to personal terms. I'm surprised it wasn't on there already.
Ongoing work- doing a somewhat major overhaul now, including organizing pages a bit better and adding some questions to the FAQ. Ongoing work on an essay we're writing, too.
Updated the name and location of MultiChat now that we've made a major update to it.