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HI I came across your site though your ucle gizmo and perry. I used to be a big fan of the show in 2016 and completely forgot about gizmo but soooo resonate w/ your passion about him. its got such disappointing stereotyps but also the genuine love like wow... the psychotics of the world CAN have people care about us......
xrosmyheart 1 year ago

also I love how u refer to robot and monster episodes w/ 2 separate episode numbers LOL. back when I watched there was no site w/ all the episodes and def nobody else game theorying about what the actual episode order is hahaha, def going to explore more of your site ^_^

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rh0mbus0fruin 1 year ago

hi hi! Nice to see rnm fans in here :-], ty so much for this comment... I'm glad my passion for gizmo resonated with you!!! I still really need to finish and articulate my thoughts for the analysis but gizmo really is just such an interesting case for schizophrenia representation I feel almost in a way was tailored for me, gizmo in a way has made me love and accept myself as schizophrenic cause I love her :-]

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