
1,281 updates
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omg my update so far looks so cute. its truly what ive wanted my website to feel, cozy!
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hey!! I love your sites efficiency. in particular your journal! I don't want to outright copy too much of it but I don't know how to balance modifying it vs getting what I need. Are you able to help me? aa
nyaa 1 year ago

hi there!! thank u so much ^_^ im glad u like it!!! as for ur question, how do u mean? are you struggling with the look of ur coding? i use a html editor that lets me see my work in real time... but im not sure what ur process is so im not sure if that helps! let me know ^_^

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sacredchoral 1 year ago

yeah im trying to also have a like journal page layout using a spiral ring notebook look or a notepad, which I am not sure where to find graphics / frame images for. I also would love to use the same system you have coded for the date and title but I feel bad if I were to copy it!

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nyaa 1 year ago

ohh!! im not sure where i found those specific graphics as i have been collecting everyday for a few years now..but i look for them by using thewaybackmachine, gifcities, reverse image searching cute graphics from tumblr, or just google images and sorting them by transparent for more basic stuff.... thats all thats on the top of my head rn at least! as for the other stuff its just a bunch of css borders, box-shadows

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nyaa 1 year ago

drop-shadows and gradients ^_^ as for the title and date feel free! i feel like its basic enough i cant really claim it haha

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Ok actually this revamp is going to be massive.. lmao. I'm starting completely over! I promise it will be worth it
Thinking about finally doing a big revamp to my site and getting rid of a loooot of pages. Art I make as well has changed so expect to see some drastic changes!
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blanketfort 2 years ago

so cool! this is inspiring me to hurry up and start learning ASL! also so interesting how your memories of VR are basically like 'real life'.

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Also the art for my characters is so OLD it seriously needs a refresher man.
also I was working on my website for quite a bit before this file problem so... it may have to be "rolled back" as it were or make my work again from scratch. And 2 years has been a long time however ive been busy in the VR world and college!
promise you guys im alive. It seems somehow I didnt save my last file of my entire website so the version I have is slightly older D: Not sure how ill work around this
yupthatsme 2 years ago

wow, two years!

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Love the site!! haven't seen this since I've been on break with my own website. super inspiring

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedMay 27, 2017
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art personal aesthetic artist characters