
1,281 updates
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Also comment section is fixed. All the old comments are back! I had to merge the old comments from my old URL to my new URL
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Looking to update my website soon again. Might delete some pages or move them around etc. Lots of changes and ideas I have written down i just need to do it. I promise i'm still active!
Changed my sitename / username form teamusa to sacredchoral . If you have my site on your website through the use of my site button please be aware of this! Your link to me is probably borken
Finally changed my username from teamusa to sacredchoral !
Hi! A little while ago, we exhanged buttons on our sites. I'm finally back to work on this project, but I wanted to let you know that I'm in the process of moving from to I'm not sure if you want to exclusively affiliate with neocities sites or not, but if you're still interested in keeping my button, please consider switching the link. :)
monar 3 years ago

Hope you've been well, I love checking our your website.

sacredchoral 3 years ago

Oh man so sorry for not seeing this earlier! When I update my site ill update your link! :00

interesting page !
1 like
omg omg i just saw you followed me so i checked out your site and it fucking smacks dude. sorry i dont really have much on my site yet but i have this shitty webnovel im gonna post there its gonna be great YOUR ART SLAMS DUDE
ok ok fr idk how i haven't found your site. I know you commented on mine a while back but im only just now searching your name and finding you!! i love the aesthetic. def will be adding your button!
monar 4 years ago

Wow, thank you for the super nice comment! I'm so happy you've added my button to your site-- I'm definetly going to add yours to mine as well as soon as I get my next update up. :) Have a great day.

Big update. Added an about page, added an interests page with many links, this replaced the "favorites" page. I also fixed some text formatting on the interesting links page. The big big update im excited for is the change to my blog page. Now its properlly inlined on my site, rather than redirecting you to a seemingly different website. Theres also a comment section there. Feel free to comment - 1/2
sacredchoral 4 years ago

- and open discussions about what I've wrote. I'm curious on what you guys feel about topics i might write about there, and I wanna create a sense of communtiy through this way of communication!


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Last updated 11 months ago
CreatedMay 27, 2017
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art personal aesthetic artist characters