Wild Bread

760 updates
1 tips
Hey neocities. Its been a little while. I have still been taking photos of bread but not been bothering to upload them,- i might release a big batch sometime. I also have a camcorder which is very fun, and a bread film might happen if i get enough footage.
wildbread 3 weeks ago

for the future of the page, I think i would love to open up to receiving submissions from all you lovely netizens accross the world. A webmaster email might be the best way to receive images? Has anybody got glowing reccomendations for custom domain email hosts?

nohappynonsense 3 weeks ago

I use namecheap for my domain and use their "starter email" package as well. I forget what the first year discounted price is but its like 15/year after that. you get 1 fully functioning inbox that can also have 10 aliases. there's probably cheaper out there but i've been using namecheap for years so i'm content with the tradeoff

nohappynonsense 3 weeks ago

also i have lots of wild bread pics for this

1 like
zerock 3 weeks ago

I personally use fastmail, but I have no particular reason to choose them over another host.

Website Stats

Last updated 3 months ago
CreatedNov 6, 2022
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photography art garbage random bread