dear yard, thank you for your note! I'm glad you enjoyed having a wander and a peruse :)
I find myself returning to past letters every now and then (maybe on a monthly basis?) and drawing out (perhaps foolishly) more depth than may be intended from each transmission
and to fully set the scene: I usually (and am now) letting Sea Oleena's voice float across the room
not to bypass the whole context, but *pointing and cheering* walter benjamin mention
also, I can purvey gargoyles if something like the guy on my homepage is your cup of tea
yes!!! let me draw up a call for gargs. realizing that it might effectively turn into buttons*, but !! I've been thinking of revamping my homepage / navigation metaphors for a while
tossing my garbo-gargo out there already:
why not encourage friend and neocitizens to doodle gargoyles for you instead?
nohappy that is an EPIC idea.... im thinking already existing widely circulated images to feed would-be site scrapers some trash should this part of the web get taken for machine learning
adding on to this gargoyle thread:
thank you! i agree about the map.. it's hard to draw lines like that, though i feel a lot more comfortable picking HTML knowing that's what you chose, too
i'm planning to send mine in! though i'm struggling to pick a category. i think i tend towards idiosyncratic but aspire to HTML. which one did you go with?
also oops, seems like there's no way to nominate? so the updated call is — if you're comfortable, would be great to see your (& your Neocities neighbors') websites in this directory
your update reminds me of my favorite poem. maybe you'll enjoy it too
oh this is delightful