rena shrine got a new layout!! but unfortunately the content is not finished LOL
OMG I LOVE THE HOWL SHRINE SO MUCH!! ITS AMAZING!!! Howl really is the perfect man...
@kakashi omg thank u!! (T▽T) i worked pretty hard on it, so im really happy you liked it!!! i tried to do it as colorful i could hehehe. and indeed, howl is one of the most handsome man out there... (ノ∀`♥)
site's new layout! not that different from the previous one, but i think im more comfortable with this one c:
I like your Music page; that's a great idea to shrink the embedded Youtube down to a play button - it works well and looks good.
@bmh thank you!! at first letting the original youtube sizes didn't convince me, i wanted a little player but thankfully youtube embeds allows us to change it's width hehe
Loooove that Rule of Rose & Fiona from a Haunting Ground are on your shrines list! Can’t wait to see those someday~!! *o*
Sry for typo lol, hopefully you know what I mean XD (on mobile rn...)
@teddybear-halo ~ these are on my priority list!!! i just love ps2 survival horror games!! TvT hopefully i can create them soon enough<3