surprisingly, i got approved to manage a fanlisting! (۶* ‘ꆚ’)۶” congrats to me!!!
You don't have to update your site everyday. This isn't one of those crummy social media sites that punishes you for simply not being active. Just update if you ever feel like you want to post something online.
@haxrelm - i just have this sad feeling of abandoning whatever i do... neocities is such a different air from other sites. It feels like watering plants!
I "die" for several weeks-months at a time. I wont be as popular but popularity is not my goal.
@slippy-effugium — i think whatever i make is more for myself than to the sake for being popular... i mean, being popular is nice, but i feel more satisfaction seeing my creations as i want them.
For me, my website is more of an extension of my hobbies than a hobby in itself. The site grows with me as I grow as an individual, and so I consistently update it to share my experiences and work. I suppose finding a more intrinsic goal for the purpose of your website may help motivate you more, but truthfully there’s no real pressure. Have fun with it!
bikobatanari -- i really loved how you described how your site grows just as you do. that is so true! i often forget how i need to have fun with what i do, and i just want to make pressure on myself to keep motivation going, but that only makes things worse for me.
it only looks like "all" of us are updating everyday because you only see the ones who are updating! i think most people update in waves/bursts. popularity shouldn't be a guiding metric, but we're here to celebrate whenever you do decide to update :>
@Nyanseong — in my case, i would like to update more often to not let this site die (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)? Its hard to explain, but ive had plenty of forgotten projects back then... i know when im abandoning something, so I force myself to always create something to keep it going?? gugugugug its absurd, but im so hasty? to do things... ( ´_ゝ`)
I think it’s time to really think of the real purpose of your website, then. Keeping a project alive for the sake of keeping it alive isn’t really good for you, and it isn’t sustainable. I’ve abandoned sites in the past because they simply lost their purpose, but I have no problem maintaining my current site. I guess find an outlet which makes you inspired to share, but what that outlet is is entirely up to you.
And to add: it’s OK to take breaks and to re-evaluate things. I don’t think any one of us wants to see more updates to the detriment of your own health. Take your time, reflect, and see where to go from there. I wish you the best! :)
Bikobatanari — thank you so much, biko! no matter how, i really put pressure for myself in anything i do, and that just do more harm than good. the moment i saw i could do more than i wanted to do in the first place, i put much more pressure into doing more projects. I do begin something to not get it finished for a long time, and i think that’s what makes me more irritated in myself... (−_−;)
happy birthday yobun!!♡ i wish you all the best and more :)
Happy birthday!
thank you so much! ♥
happy birthday~! ♥ ^^
happy (belated) b-day!!