44Nifty's Awesome Website Of Awesomeness, Coolness, Tubularity, Insanity, and 50 other adjectives!

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1 hour & 20 minutes left
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i've already made it through 1 hour. just 2 more to go aeughhhgeuahhgeahh
"Twitter for Android" - Jack Film, 2019
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another fun difference between cat owners and dog owners: dog owners love their dogs and would die for them, but cat owners hate their cats in a /pos way
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troy-sucks 1 year ago

i hate my cats so much theyre so scrunky

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my ipod did not charge at all last night
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"Oh what breed is your [pet]?"
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44nifty 1 year ago

DOG OWNERS: Well you see, he's 62% golden retriever, 37% siberian husky, and 11% chihuahua - but he was also raised with a bunch of cocker spaniels if that counts for anything, and-

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44nifty 1 year ago

CAT OWNERS: it's orange

troy-sucks 1 year ago

lmao i own a dog but idk wut breed she is so when ppl ask what breed it is i just say "brown and white"

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i just noticed that the portal 1 soundtrack is credited to Aperture Science Psychoacoustic Laboratory, whereas the Portal 2 soundtrack is credited to Aperture Science Psychoacoustic Laboratories
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well i accidentally got on the bus when i wasn't supposed to today and now i'm stuck on the wrong campus for the first 3 hours of my day :?
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Last updated 5 days ago
CreatedFeb 16, 2021
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