AI Petition

171 updates
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pretty much all of what I've seen of the greater neocities community is innately anti generative AI. wonder why this is being considered for implementation in the first place. Needless to say, I will definitely be signing!
cupofdirtfordinner 1 week ago

wait fill me in sis

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tea331 1 week ago

@mugofsoilforsupper there is ample evidence pointing toward the fact that neocities is looking into adding an AI assistant in the editor (bummer!). supposedly the feature would be exclusive to supporters iirc

gremlin 1 week ago

it's not even just the concept that neocities is going to add ai, they have two times in the past. Once as a "April fools" thing that felt more like testing the waters then there was the second time where it was a supporter only thing. It's currently not able to be used but the UI elements are still in the source code meaning it's likely to return at some point in the future.

gremlin 1 week ago

I recommend reading the homepage of ai-petition if you want a more information, it goes into more details below the signature part.

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CreatedOct 22, 2024
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