its real old school webcam software... it will grab take a picture with your camera and upload it to your web server by FTP automatically and you can set the speed it does it at. simple but effective.
Thanks for the suggestion. It's great to see old software still functioning. I'll keep a copy of it to hand.
Thanks so much! I haven't done any coding since my days on MySpace so it's been a learning curve, but I'm happy with how it's turned out so far. Your compliment means a lot since your website is so awesome!
Thanks! There are much better ways to do what I am doing, but I am still learning too.
DALnet's still active. annusya and I chat on there and BSDUnix all the time...
OMG really?? And DALnet's still alive?? Truly I must check it out and if there's still a Doctor Who chat, I may as well add it on about :D
the cjhannel was actually named #drwhochat last I looked it had been abandoned long before Drake passed.
Nice! Mine's a Kawasaki Vulcan 500. Got it back in 2012 when I was living for awhile in Tennessee. I'd wanted a bike since I was like 12- had to wait till my 40s to get one. :P
I love living in SoCal. I can ride all year! :D
We actually suffer a couple of months of winter here in north Mississippi. I don't ride in the cold weather like I used to when I was younger...
oops lol
Young? It was 1996 just a couple of years ago wasn't it? I feel like it was, lol. We sort of get winter out here. It gets down into the 40s at night, but we don't get snow or ice-rain. Winter usually starts the rainy season but some years it's pretty dry. I think I've only seen 1 thunderstorm in the 5 years i've been in San Diego. I miss that...and also lightning bugs at night. We don't have any. :(
Last time I was down in Miss must have been the early 2000's for Gulf Wars - an SCA event down near Hattiesburg.
1996! wow... I was just 26 years old! seems a lifetime ago to me. I'm a 50/50 biker now.... If it is below 50 degrees or a above a 50% chance of rain I won't ride! lol