bees laugh in atbash

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i feel like the reigning neocities crew has finally done a full turnover from the 2018 bunch but maybe that's just cause I gradually unfollowed some people
satyrwoud 3 years ago

oooh please do elaborate, i wasn't there in 2018 but i have always gotten this vague feeling that there is an Old Guard that i have never really interacted with but whose sites inexplicably have hundreds of followers

ngmi 3 years ago

*desire to know more intensifies*

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cubertown 3 years ago

there was that one bug guy who i originally followed because their site seemed cool but it turned out to be at the perfect time for a shitton of drama so i quietly unfollowed, thats all i care to know

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atomicgothic 3 years ago

Yeah I joined in April 2020, this community is still super new to me

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bluef00t 3 years ago

IDK, a lot of the big guys used to all be in a discord server together, then one day abruptly all accused each other of being terrible lying human beings and mostly moved their sites off neocities. I like the more random, decentralized feel here now

haxrelm 3 years ago

Never expected Neocities of all places to have drama.

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encounters-ltd 3 years ago

yeah, i joined right at the tail end of the og main bunch's tenure on here, right when the dissent was reaching its peak,, i cringe remembering how invested i was into it back then lol,,, now it's a whole new gang

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CreatedJul 13, 2018
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