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tv series on DVD. When I got to the information sections, it's just a list and not much else and done in pencil, so I might just erase that and continue with information. Why I decided that runes should be first before gods and goddesses seems a bit silly... I need to get back those books I was working through. On the plus side, it is a lot easier now finding reliable resources and doing things through the internet
with youtube and whatever than it was back then. I also know more, even if there are still lots of gaps in my knowledge. One of the main things is I've found that Norse paganism isn't as separate from druidry and wicca as I thought it was - that's down to bad, racist/sexist organizations that had a big voice when I first looked into it (even the reprint of the book on Runes I got from the library cite them :(. )
There are more resources now, thankfully and I am figuring out ways of doing things on my own.