Dead Winter's Night (Formally Bright Eyes)

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You can tell the fickle fans that jump on band wagons are out in force again. For ages, LOTR was ignored, but now there is a new film out they've all come out of the wood work. Half of them will be complaining about the film, half of them will be harassing others for liking it/not being 'true fans!' in their minds, and half will be harassing folks for not being LGBTQ...
bright-eyes 4 days ago

And half will be trying to get people to post inappropriate sexting under the guise of 'Roleplaying!' as a substitute for real relationships.

bright-eyes 4 days ago

These folks ruined the fandom last time.

bright-eyes 4 days ago

You'll probably be wondering why I say 'half' as it exceeds the whole, but there is some over-lap with all these types of 'fans'.

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedApr 6, 2019
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fanfiction middleearth thehobbit theanimalsoffarthingwood watershipdown