working on some Computer Shit but it's taking longer than expected (aka I keep getting lost in YouTube rabbitholes instead) so here's a mothzone update with fresh hot spam email
Before this I followed-back almost everyone, but if you're number 233+, I am no longer being made aware of your presence. This also zaps my ability to deal with no-notice sitename changes, so if your link on GetPages breaks, IDFC.
This was a much better fix than updates not showing in the global activity or the disorganized top follower listing
I wouldn't mind at all if the /follows and /followers pages could be sorted chronologically, but at this point it feels like things are being removed for purely aesthetic reasons.
At least in your own profile so you can follow back. Seems counterproductive to squash the social aspect when it's one of the main draws here.
Did it? Being able to see new follows from one month is better than zero, but it still leaves out what happened during the other 83.
Wanted to have an update ready for this, but I still have to type up like five other pages, so it'll be a late celebration.