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4,635 updates
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Finally finished the old web section of my website, I apologize it took so long. Next I will work on my shrines and tamagotchi page. Hope everyone is doing well!
violetradd 4 years ago

i love it lol

1 like
cybersparkle 4 years ago

Thank you! c:

thank you!! I like yours too and all of the purple, and I really like the tamagotchi site, the background on it is very cute!
1 like
cybersparkle 4 years ago

Thank you very much ;A; Glad you like my tamagotchi website! Gives me motivation to finally finish it c:

Your website is so adorable!!! Also Stocking ftw <3
I need to listen to something that isn't KMFDM tbh
Finally got to play your doom wads and they are so good!!
hey thanks for the sweet words and taking ur time to leave such a kind message <3 i really needed that.
1 like
cybersparkle 4 years ago

Of course <3 I am glad I could help ;A;

1 like
Pokemon Unite....yayyy...
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cybersparkle 4 years ago

I mean it looks ok, but I was really hoping for let's go jhoto or sinnoh remakes lol MOBAs aren't really my thing tbh


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Last updated 4 years ago
CreatedMar 2, 2020
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journal personal aesthetic weeb pokemon