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4,635 updates
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Thanks for the follow!!
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cybersparkle 4 years ago

You are very welcome!! <3

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Finally got pso2 to download after a whole day but when I try to play it I keep getting a black screen @_@ thanks for nothing I guess lol
Hello, I hope everyone is doing well. I have been thinking about adding a sidebar to my website but I have no idea how any of that works and I don't want to mess anything up lol
tuizo-osohretu 4 years ago


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teddybear-halo 4 years ago

look up how using iframes in html works ! that's how i made my sidebars~ ^^ it's not too hard once you grasp the concept: the sidebar is it's own html file that you attach using the "iframe" tag

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teddybear-halo 4 years ago

if you're stuck, you can take a peek at my site's source code & see how i did it~ hope this helps! :)

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I was going to thank everyone for 50 followers but I lost one this morning so..thank you for 49 followers! <3
Absolutely hate shiny hunting in Pokemon tbh.. took me 4000+ encounters to finally get a shiny wooloo
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Jesus Christ, I really liked Ryo-Ohki as a kid apparently. Out of the 3,000 pictures I had downloaded back then, a good chunk of them were just gifs and low quality pictures of that character. Decided not to put some on my website because no one wants to see hundreds of pictures of Ryo-Ohki lol
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chaixtea 4 years ago

I love her too from tenchi muyo. Such a cutie!!!

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cybersparkle 4 years ago

@chaixtea She is adorable!! Used to have a plush of them too but I lost it years ago :(

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Last updated 4 years ago
CreatedMar 2, 2020
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