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4,635 updates
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Why does thick water exist? That shit is nasty, real talk.
personally-comfy 4 years ago

Confused thick water for heavy water, which is what is used in nuclear stuff.

cybersparkle 4 years ago

That doesn't sound good either tbh

I deeply cringe when I remember that I proudly believed that monkeys laid eggs and everyone else was wrong.
Love your website!!
violetradd 4 years ago

omg thanks! you're site is pretty nice too :) you seem like you have good music tastes lol i love L7

1 like
cybersparkle 4 years ago

@violetradd tysm!!

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I hate Zipper T. Bunny with all my heart and soul
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personally-comfy 4 years ago

i need to save my miles so i can get the cliff permit so i can enclose him like an Earthbender from Avatar,

1 like
cybersparkle 4 years ago

Same here, I want to get fossils but I keep getting eggs @_@

thanks for following
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cybersparkle 4 years ago

Very welcome!

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Last updated 4 years ago
CreatedMar 2, 2020
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