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aw man . i think them following u means they weren't trying to do this maliciously but just didn't consider that this is like . plagiarism... they should have asked for your permission in the first place of course but maybe just try talking to them?? bc they even credited you in their site so i think this is just a conversation that needs to be had rather than they should be... antagonized T_T
this sucks : ( sorry u are dealing with this
wait i just checked out who u r talking about that is CRAZY!!! all the characters and what not r still up too that is so insane
@brawlersworld it is what it is, i can't stop this sort of thing from happening but it really bums me out. downloading and editing a site is a valuable way for people to get their feet wet with html and that's really cool! idk if it's kind to the person you're stealing from to upload it though. ive been gentle with people in the past but they scrubbed my name off the copyright, im kinda at the end of my rope
@fearoffun there was no credit when i made my post