Good to see you're still working on these. It's worth noting that matrix multiplication in general requires the left matrix to have as many columns as the right matrix has rows. I have a doubt about the equation î * î + ĵ * ĵ = 1. Since a vector dotted by itself gives the length, and these are both unit vectors, shouldn't the sum be 2?
Thank you for fact checking. I'm aware of matrix dimensions for multiplication, but this section is only meant to be introductory for two-dimensional use. I needed it to effectively demonstrate conic rotations and still have to add operations with both vectors and matrices. In 3D, they will be fully covered. I do have to point out why there is an intuitive difference between a scalar matrix and scalar multiplication.
You are right about the dot product. That is actually supposed to be an equals instead of a plus, so I erred.
Experimenting with a new format and am really happy about how it is turning out.
I like the separation of each section into its own page. In the previous layout it was really easy for things to get cluttered. However I must admit I found the tables of contents being in both the main page and the subpages a bit disorienting (perhaps thats just me).
Loud and clear. I put it that way to try to ease the navigation because that's the only thing I'm not settled on right now. To me, the pages seem somewhat set up like a maze and it's not clear to me how to have an easy navigation menu that is ideal for all device widths. I am open to suggestions.
Your PDF collection piqued my curiosity and I wonder how many more you have. I too have a collection, but it's mostly math, chemistry, and engineering.
I'm not sure your meaning. Mine are on an external and are not being shared anywhere currently. I would try to share them with you, but there's over 16,000, mostly textbooks and manuals, so high file size.
Fourth unit converted. Everything else is just grinding the new content out now, which should be a lot easier.