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bmh 1 year ago

A couple of points I consider in relation to this are the affects on our brains in relying on platforms/our devices to store our memories for us; sometimes this seems to negate the skill of/need to remember things ourselves, other times the act of posting something forms part of our memory, or assists it...

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bmh 1 year ago

...Secondly I have for a while thought about "digital hoarding", some of this can be beneficial or "nice to reminisce", but otherwise can hinder us in moving on.

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freckleskies 1 year ago

i can definitely agree with opposing over reliance on tech in general, but even with a perfect, clear memory i think there's still quite a difference between sitting down and just thinking about things vs picking up an album of printed photos and leafing through it

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freckleskies 1 year ago

thinking about the hoarding question. the issue pops up to me too fairly frequently, but for now i've hit the character limit in the comments lmao. i think i'll dial it back right now and go back to work, then after i've sat on the thoughts some more i'll construct a proper reply

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Last updated 1 day ago
CreatedApr 3, 2021
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