
6,501 updates
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Ahhhh sorry for the backlog; I started a new job and it's been taking up all my time
cha-chaan-teng 9 months ago

That’s understandable… I’m trying to learn how to blog (or “phlog” in this case) like in the good old days

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appsirgames 9 months ago

it's alright! neocities is just for fun don't forget that. good luck in your new job!

Could I join the webring? My site is and my slug is hiddenwebpage, I put the HTML on all my redesigned pages so far
ghostring 9 months ago

Absolutely! I added ya, thanks!!!

1 like
Hello ghostring! I'm truly sorry I forgot to add the webring links in time. I already included it in my homepage at the side bar here: . Is there any way AppSir Games could get added again? The details were this: Full title: AppSir Games, Slug: AppSir, Description: A website for retro horror games with intertwined stories., Contact: twitter @appsirgames Thank you so much!
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appsirgames 9 months ago

I'm really sorry again for not being responsive the past three weeks. I had been busy with work and some personal matters and I hope my non responsiveness didn't sour things too much. It would be awesome to get added again. Sorry and thanks again ghostring!

1 like
ghostring 9 months ago

Hey no worries! I finally updated the site! You're back on now! Thanks!!!!

Ayo I'd love to join this??? My url is , the slug is Duskspirals (I think thats how that works) Ive never been apart of a webring but as a common hob i think I would benefit your cause. DESC: I'm a Worldbuilder and Writer who loves to explore dark and spooooooooky topics through my work! Also drop by if you want to hear about my love for weird obscure indie games and music.
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ghostring 9 months ago

Added ya! But your site is currently breaking the webring. So don't forget to add the webring links to your site. Check out the ghostring page or look at another one of the sites to see an example. Love your site btw!!!

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duskspirals 9 months ago

Commenting here to let you know that I added the webring links!

i would be honored to join the webring if i could! url is, full title is "The Walten Files Infodump," and slug is twfinfo. description: "my website for infodumping about the walten files :P"
1 like
ghostring 9 months ago

Awesome!! You're added!!

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hi i would love to join!! url:, the slug is headlessghost and description i guess i am an artist and a musician and this is the place where i get to scream about my love and obssession with horror movies and spooky stuff!!
1 like
ghostring 9 months ago

Added you! Thanks for joining the webring!!! :)

Hello! This is such a cool webringm I'd love to join if you'll have me! URL: , Slug:Curiosity_Cabinet , Full Title: The Cabinet of Curiosities , Description: I'm an author and aspiring novelist, my work focusing on the horrifying, the taboo, and all things macabre!
1 like
ghostring 9 months ago

Hey I added you!! Thanks for the compliment, your site looks awesome!

1 like
here's my info! sorry for the issues, it's my first time joining a webring ^^' "name": "sammylux", "slug": "sammylux", "about": "I'm a trad goth, an artist, a horror lover. I post about anything that interests me, I maintain an art gallery and I try to learn html :-)", "url": "", "owner": ""
1 like
ghostring 9 months ago

no worries at all I'm glad you're joining!!! You're added!!!

1 like

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Last updated 2 weeks ago
CreatedFeb 5, 2024
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witches stories horror ghosts webring