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wow i LOVE this! is there any chance you might feel comfortatble making this into a F2U template for microblogs? i would absolutely love to use this and beef it out in kkb-style for my website if given the opportunity!! :3
also love that you called it your 'thought chamber' - my current layout on my website was built during a 'spiral' and i named it my 'spiral chamber' lol!!
@kkbkkb WOW THANKS SO MUCH!! I have no prob with doing that :33, i had the idea of in the future but never got around to it. I also have bad code... Once I finish this I'll post the code although I recommend people just juke it out themselves!
Also I came up with the name cause it's like the opposite of a echochamber (in a way) though it was really because i already had a diary and blog. Yours sounds cool I'll check it out !!!! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐