Jade Everstone - Jade Everstone

9,328 updates
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*very* tiny update but I scaled down / optimized a few pics onsite. Mostly as a test & because a few pics were way too big. I'll pause for now though, this & making things look just the way I want is driving me nuts tbh...
jade-everstone 2 years ago

though tbh I'm planning on getting supporter within the next few months & it's not like I'm posting 500 new pics per-year lol. Still better for site performance in the long run I guess

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likho 2 years ago

Good to hear. (I'm someone who limits the amount of system resources my browser has access to.)

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skykristal 2 years ago

Great thing but pretty annoying to do 😴 haha. Good luck! Best is to use scale down pics from the very beginning, especially if you have a lot of them and big projects. Resizing stuff is pain. Don't be me 😂 I also haven't done is at first.. like at all.

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Last updated 2 days ago
CreatedDec 5, 2018
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art personal comics illustration