Jade Everstone - Jade Everstone

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few more pics added to 2019 & 2020. Seems I forgot several pics because they were in an out-of-the-way folder on my old laptop. For refrence they were from a canned Monster Hunter fanfic of mine & got dumped in a separate folder relating to that... a folder that got breezed over in my initial backups
jade-everstone 1 year ago

speaking of writing, I was thinking about adding a 'writing archive' to the site (as in for writing writing, not blog archives) but i feel like I don't have enough modern examples to throw up that aren't comic scripts or personal work (in other words it'd be a lot of really old unfinished fanfics from highschool)

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Going forward I'm no longer linking directly to DeviantArt on my website. For refrence, DA is owned by an Israeli software company & as such has plastered propaganda upfront on their website. and while I know links =/= blind support, I don't feel in good concious keeping those up when it's on many unavoidable corners of their site their site
jade-everstone 1 year ago

Ik this is breaking a lot of credit links for the stamps page, i'm trying to figure out what to do abt it (ik people here omit sources for webgraphics with many of them being lost, but for something that's still sourceable i'd like to at least leave a tooltip.)

colrana 1 year ago

maybe link to an archived version of the page so it isnt direct? not sure if youve already thought of that though!

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jade-everstone 1 year ago

I don't think I've thought about that before, thanks for the suggestion. Though the main issue is making sure said archive doesn't have the propaganda stuff as well (which would imo defeat the intent of not directly linking to da)

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STAMP LOST-AND-FOUND: Some of the sources on the stamps page were unfortunately lost with my departure from DA. If you're the creator or know who made a stamp, let me know here:
big batch of 2019 art is now onsite! (+two pics from 2020 I somehow missed)
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tbh it was originally shelved due to the mass amount of images i'd need to back-up, but i think going forward I'd like to obsolete DA as an old-art archive of mine & slowly chip away at backing up old art onsite. Though I think I might split 2018 & older from the regular year archives somehow (since i don't want people mistaking my highschool art as representative of my current stuff)
jade-everstone 1 year ago

i say slowly chipping away since frustratingly my younger self didn't do a good job at backing up my old art (aka I forgot all my traditional art & several folders on my old laptops... and my old .kra files... why younger me why)

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedDec 5, 2018
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art personal comics illustration