Jade Everstone - Jade Everstone

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Now archived onsite: Spines - an unfinished story. Spines was a project made in late 2020 during a rough patch in my life (hence why it took a while to properly archive). It would've followed two friends as a mysterious spine growth threatens to keep them apart, but i only made it to the halfway point.
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jade-everstone 1 year ago

Also on this page: a summary of what would've happened (since I don't want to continue it) plus some extra thoughts on why I feel it failed:

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Alright, I archived the greensite theme for the stamps section & for now I'm going to use the stamp-album theme for that page. There's some aspects I ripped from the DA layout, but it's more enough to stand on it's own in my opinion.
jade-everstone 1 year ago

btw if you're wondering about the random-meme-generator it's because it was supposed to be a spoof on the long-defunct Webcam box on old DA that'd let you link a gif to feature on your page. But I don't have anywhere else to put it so... 'my funny pics' it is

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tbh I've thought about it for a while & I'm debating whether or not I should change the theme for the stamps page. Because ik it's separate from current DA and I was planning on using it to dunk on that site as well, but also considering their current direction I'm not as comfortable having something onsite that could be mistaken as a "DA shrine"
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jade-everstone 1 year ago

ik most people are able to separate old DA from modern DA but I think them plastering propaganda on their site is too far for me personally to participate in 'old DA nostalgia' at the moment. I might at least change the colors bc I've already made it clear in the page's flavor text that I don't like DeviantArt

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I should probably start sticking to the habit of posting site updates as a stand-alone post going forward. that way I can get across major updates w/o the neocites thumbails showing a completely different page when I decide to do more site tweaks afterwards
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A big addition to some of the year galleries; I've recently decided to stop posting to DeviantArt again and with 2020-2022 already nearly having parity with the DA galleries I finally sat down, compressed and added the pics that weren't there (+ a few I never posted on DA) onsite. & As such removed the "extended DA gallery" links for those pages
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jade-everstone 1 year ago

There are a few pics I haven't backed up (noteably: pics with gore since I don't have an onsite filtering system yet & two pics that weren't on my external hard drive) But outside of that for 2020 onward this site's a far more comprehensive archive (anything older has to wait though, I drew way more back then so that's a lot more pics to manage))

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Does anyone know if stamp-makers have gathered elsewhere? while i still want to continue my stamps page I'm feeling pretty burned by DA at the moment & would like to hunt for some offsite (afaik i've only found 2 sites that host some of their own, but stamp collecting isn't nearly as big as buttons & blinkies around here)
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jade-everstone 1 year ago

I do plan on making some on my own & maybe reuploding the ones I made when I was 15, but also part of the fun imo is collecting them

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedDec 5, 2018
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