btw if you're wondering about the random-meme-generator it's because it was supposed to be a spoof on the long-defunct Webcam box on old DA that'd let you link a gif to feature on your page. But I don't have anywhere else to put it so... 'my funny pics' it is
ik most people are able to separate old DA from modern DA but I think them plastering propaganda on their site is too far for me personally to participate in 'old DA nostalgia' at the moment. I might at least change the colors bc I've already made it clear in the page's flavor text that I don't like DeviantArt
There are a few pics I haven't backed up (noteably: pics with gore since I don't have an onsite filtering system yet & two pics that weren't on my external hard drive) But outside of that for 2020 onward this site's a far more comprehensive archive (anything older has to wait though, I drew way more back then so that's a lot more pics to manage))
I do plan on making some on my own & maybe reuploding the ones I made when I was 15, but also part of the fun imo is collecting them
Also on this page: a summary of what would've happened (since I don't want to continue it) plus some extra thoughts on why I feel it failed: