oh thank you so much for the kind words! ;_; your site is so very lovely and I adore your goat sona!! goat/sheep sona supremacy!!
i JUST saw this omg ;-; i dont have one right now sadly but i hope to make one soon!
I haven't put up a button yet! Hopefully soon, I've been slacking on actually putting a button on the site qwq
Ooo there’s one I made for minty that could be used as a temporary button if you wanted maybe?
No pressure tho of course, just thought I’d mention it in case. https://chocolaterevel.neocities.org/2.0/Default/Graphics/Buttons
@chocolaterevel it's a great looking button, i'll use this as a placeholder until minty finishes hers c: thank you!!
i technically do have discord and telegram but i'm severely inactive there, the best way to reach me is probably to shoot an email at maphren@protonmail.com c:
Hi thank you so much!!! No, I don't have any links to other places where I host my art on my site LOL i was planning on including it in the Gallery. But for now you can check https://stickeretro.tumblr.com :) I haven't posted in a bit but I will soon! Ty for the interest :D