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jesuisordure 2 years ago

that russian tarot site is EVERYTHING! russians always have an interesting spin on things. my latin teacher in high school always pronounced "c" as "k", never "s", and you can bet the lowly peasants had a totally different accent to forum members. pedants gonna pedant. i still find myself running declensions and conjugating in the shower fmv

mayaland 2 years ago

"ecclestiastical but with hard C because Appendix E of The Lord of the Rings told me to" should be a Valid Tradition of Pronunciation

mayaland 2 years ago


my neocities PSA for the day: please consider adding the CSS rule "image-rendering: crisp-edges;" to 88x31px link buttons (and anything that isn't supposed to look "hi-res", honestly). try it out in your browser inspector if you don't believe me that it makes a difference~
jesuisordure 2 years ago

yes! the voynich, the codex seraphinianus and the red book -- the trifecta of brain-melting. one day i shall own all 3; the red book will have to do for now. really interesting article!

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mayaland 2 years ago

i own the standard replica of the voynich and it makes me want to make giant brush pen copies of the balneology section, woefully underemphasized in casual discussion. I'd not coveted the red book until this very moment!! In retaliation I must also list that I'm restraining myself from buying Touch Me Not

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