You are going to block this site. This will do the following:
- You will no longer see this site in searches.
- Site will no longer see your site in searches.
- Site will not be able to comment on your site profile.
- Any comments this site has posted to your profile will not be displayed.
Are you sure you want to do this?
my site is outdated and i need a fresh restart!!!
You mean like remake the website from zero?
I get it honestly, sometimes you just bored of it. do what you want honestly, that's the fun of having a website ^^
Oh? Where will they be sold?
if you're gonna remake it, please preserve and archive the original site! It's always super fun to look back on old stuff to see how far you've come :]
They’ll be sold on toy house, also my site is archived on way back I believe
Ill also download a copy of my site on my laptop :D dont worry, nothing is going to waste!