My little Carrd like place.

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ollys-site 2 years ago

fuck yeah you got the links working!

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ollys-site 2 years ago

the href needs to be inside the tag. e.g: test is good, but href="" test isnt

ollys-site 2 years ago

oh right neocities scrubs tags

ollys-site 2 years ago

(left pointy bracket) a href="" (right pointy bracket) not (left pointy bracket) a (right pointy bracket) href=""

Thank you for the follow. If you're having a bit of trouble with coding a website you might want to start with a simple resource. When I started I used the HTML Hobbyist tutorial since I felt like it was written in pretty clear language.
owlcyclops 2 years ago

no problem and I should be thanking you for trying to help me.

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You need to move the > after the first a to be after the last " in both your links.
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arkmsworld 2 years ago

The error is that there is a forward slash instead of a space between a and href in the link tag. Just remone the / and leave it as an empty space instead.

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It should look like this ->
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owlcyclops 2 years ago

Thank you for your time and help despite my website still being a pain in the but with one error.

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CreatedMay 27, 2022
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