Owl's Roost

17,902 updates
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Hi owlroost, thank you for following. I know there isn't a lot on my site right now but I'm hoping to fix that in future. Your reader mode page was very informative, I actually wasn't aware the article tag was used to tell browsers reader mode was available and now I think a future update for my blog is to add tags. So thank you for writing that. πŸ˜‡
owlroost 1 year ago

I'm glad I was able to help! I really appreciated your site when I stumbled across it. It's very rare that a site doesn't overwhelm me to some degree, and yours actually feels comfortable (largely because as it says, it's not visually noisy; everything there has a purpose, and there's ample space to breathe). I'd say you succeeded at making it easy to follow!

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scopefilter 1 year ago

Thanks a lot, that's what I was aiming for. 😊 Happy to know it functions as described on the box.

dontaskforfroyo 1 year ago

on supporting firefox reader view, you both might appreciate this link:

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedMar 9, 2021
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writing furry poetry accessibility queer