Ranting/venting can be a great use of a journal. It's got to come out somewhere! I find it helps most to follow heavy vents with something positive/optimistic- in my experience, it helps balance out the negativity and levels out my perspective on things. Even "I'm still alive and this will pass" counts.
And I'm glad the compendium helps! Anxiety can be really frustrating to deal with sometimes- I've had more trouble with it than I did with depression. Something my therapist told me was that some anxiety is "top-down" (thoughts -> body) and some is "bottom-up" (body -> thoughts), and it helps more to target the source. Never occurred to me that there was a difference before then.
Finally got a chance to poke through Amnesis and I'm really enjoying it! My favorite bit so far is the dishwashing poem, especially the part about being battered by cardboard, but that could be the just-moved-again talking. :) Looking forward to learning more!
I promise I like the Iliad, I just enjoy it for all the wrong reasons. Happy to get a laugh :D
Had to mass-update pages so the back to top button works as intended with the new style- found out I have 117 pages!
THX for comment. This've made my day also navigation system is just a bunch of hyperlinks. If you need inspiration for ur navigation system I would recommend you to visit unartur.neocities.org, he's quite creative person.