i have been putting off working on the :hover options for my links for a while now, i appreciate the encouragement and the follow! Bird up :>
I also only consciously realized today that the links for pointers are [[different]] than /the others, which is such a nice touch for scattering links in plain sight. Really lovely.
Thank you so much! Really makes me happy to hear that it's coming together well from a reader's perspective. And it's great to hear that you're picking up on things I'm trying to slip in there- I never know whether it's coming across, so it really helps to hear that.
AHHHH, that explains it! I'd thought that the target went on the iframe, not the links themselves. That would explain why my attempt wasn't working. XD
Yep! Links from the layout to the iframe use target=, links from the iframe to another tab are target=_blank; and if you want to go to a specific iframe w/ the layout, you gotta do a weird JS workaround.
^! "target=_parent" will make it so that a link you click on inside of the iFrame will open outside of the frame, and into the whole site
Nah, I mean "open this specific iframe page, but with the layout outside the iframe". parent works good for just opening a new page, though.
Speaking of which, there may be a new adventurer entering Eona. What a delight. I remember writing a vaguely similar world when I was a child. And I called it Γon! What a fun coincidence. Anyway, please take care! Also just wanted to mark myself as your #100 follower! >:)
Project page overhaul- things will break here and there while I iron out bugs, but this should make articles way easier for me to maintain in the long run.