May Update here! Added an RSS feed you can follow as well as some housekeeping around the site! New playlist, New monthly poll, and some other stuff! :D
just vid of the week, big May update on Saturday. gonna introduce an RSS feed to the site cuz neocities updates are annoyingly unorganized so look forward to that :P
I'm honored \(˙▿˙)/! Your review encouraged me to see it in the first place so thank you. Your reviews are very eloquent at getting to the heart of things concisely!
AH! I hate when neocities makes the updates look ugly... anyway, new blog! joined a fighting game webring too! and a new rambling where i talk about the future of game company SNK!
oh also, the new rambling session page has autoplay! i'm planning on implementing autoplay throughout the site come May... you have been warned.........
all the buttons on the homepage were slowing the site down so i moved my full button collection to the gallery and all the cool sites' buttons to the Links page. also added contact info so feel free to use that!
btw holy crap my entire feed was full of internet drama over federifederi today. decided to unfollow cuz i wanna come here to have a good time, not to have to deal with the kinda internet drama you get on other social media. also some of their recent decisions rubbed me the wrong way.
regardless, i'm grateful to federi as they showed up around when i started and i found a bunch of cool people and sites through there. in retrospect i don't think a centralized hub was the best idea but lets not stop supporting eachother and exploring new websites regardless of follows or views! thanks to everyone whose helped me and interacted with me here so far!
The link hub looks great! Honored to be on the first row. I think your monthly youtube playlist is such a great idea. It's like releasing a monthly mixtape of the youtube vids you enjoyed. I might steel this idea from you.
feel free to steal away, i like the idea of having a little playlist of someone's taste to look forward to every month
just vid of the week. expect a new rambling and movie review in a few days. the vid of the week should give a hint what movie it is i'm reviewing.