For the next 6 days leading up to Halloween, I'm doing a movie marathon of Halloween films! See the lineup in the media log! I'm also adding comment sections to all reviews going forward. With that said, first up is Shaun of the Dead!
Added a movie review for The Wild Robot and a rambling about some non-horror Halloween games I like to play around this time of year! I've implemented my first ever comment section on that page so feel free to leave a comment! :D
btw, i got the comment section widget code from user virtualobserver(dot)moe! very easy tutorial, i'd highly recommend and i'll link their code in my resources page soon!
I reviewed the new Joker movie! Folie a Deux, more like Folie a Doo Doo, amirite? Anyway...
I was going to give this film a try because many people hate it. I thought the decision to make a musical was a bold one and I appreciate that. Reading your review has gotten my expectations way down though and you make good points on why this is a poorly made film. Especially I hate reading how Philips tries to criminalize Joker and make him apologize for what he did.
It kills a lot of what made the first film interesting. I also didn't like Joker 1 that much but I appreciated the message. Youtuber Jonas Ceika CCK made an excellent comparion between Joker and Dark Knight explaining how Nolan's message is very pro-establishment and Philips' message is much more subversive. In spite of that I think Nolan's film was a lot better because he is a more skillful filmmaker.
Leaving me to conclude that a good message does not equal a good film. You can watch the analysis here:
Thanks for commenting! To be honest, I wouldnt recommend it even going in to see whst the hub ub in about. Its very boring, I would even say Megalopolis is a more interesting watch even tho its worse. But view at your own discretion.
I'll definitely check out that video essay you sent. I've been thinking a lot lately about how modern day superhero stories have to deal with the baked-in political implications of the genre and how some subvert it or uphold it. Joker 2 kills a lot of the subversion in Joker 1 but I think its totally fair to just ignore the sequel and take what you want out of Joker 1.
For all its faults, it's an undoubtedly more nuanced and sympathetic movie than the Dark Knight films. But yes, you still gotta make a good movie tho, and I'd watch Dark Knight a million times over Joker 2. Movies can still be good even if you disagree but Joker 2 fails at that too. Best of luck if you decide to watch it! : )
I may give it a go under the right circumstances. If there is nothing more interesting screening. I was looking forward to Megalopolis so I will not read your review until after I saw it. Sorry for spamming under your update btw, character limit sucks.
it's all good, thanks! I should probably add a way to talk directly on the site, like a comment section or something lol.
Abandon all hope, all ye who enter Saikyo Central of the Living Dead! Check out this month's Halloween-themed playlist and poll! (You may need to remove cookies to see update). I also reviewed the recent film Megaflopolis, and updated several galleries. Enter if you dare! (㇏(•̀ᵥᵥ•́)ノ)
did not play heroes much as a kid so i forgot how much of a banger mystic mansion is
updated some cool sites and edited my last review since Capcom retroactively addressed some of my criticisms :o
nice video of the week, it totally would be in character for beat to get ran over lol
Check out my review of the highly anticipated Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection!
Hey gamers, was inactive for a little bit but I'm back! This month's theme is Saikyo Central Academy complete with a new playlist and poll as usual. I've got a new blog about what I've been doing and the HALL OF ADS and PICS THAT GO HARD galleries have been updated!
By the way, I had this Rival Schools-inspired theme in the works before Capcom announced they were re-releasing Rival Schools 2. The only explanation is that my website willed that port into existence. So, you're welcome! ( ˘ᴗ˘ )
glad someone else appreciated some good ol' Plok! thanks btw tried to push myself further for the Halloween spirit!