just based on a cursory search, I found this reddit thread where someone seemingly fixed it with a script thats posted in the comments, try that https://www.reddit.com/r/neocities/comments/18t5pyh/help_w_statuscafe_embedding_it_on_your_site/
thanks for the response, V! i'll try it later the code from the reddit thread later!
Thanks! The Dreamcast PC stuff is probably one of my favorite posts that I've done so far. I think it's so cool that Sega left goodies onto their game discs for people to find.
new blog and new review of the film Monkey Man. thought it was gonna be a short review but there's actually a lot to say about this film.
cheers! thanks for the follow back! i like the vibe of your site a whole bunch. will be back to read more!
just new vid of the week, wanna find some time to work on the links page and blog later this week : )
aw you're too kind! i love the crochet and character designs you got on your site!! can't wait to see more in the future!
thanks so much! your site is super soothing on the eyes as well! plus that Around the Internet Today page is such a cool idea. def will keep up with what comes next out of your site.
thanks! it's a pretty fun way to show that gambling isn't really worth it! i still update it to this day to add new cases and i dont plan to stop anytime soon :P