Yeah, customer service/hospitality work can suck at times. At the very least, you'll have some good stories to share about terrible customers. Also, having co-workers that have your back goes a long way.
I feel like to some people going to the cinema is just an excuse for a food binge. Don't get me wrong I enjoy a snack during the film as well but it amazes me the loads of overpriced food people check out at the counter.
to tojisworld: oh yeah for sure, met a lot of nice people and at the end of the day the crappy customers are more funny in hindsight than aggrivating. at least once the shift is over i can see it that way :p
to dmansweb: i knooooow, i like popcorn and drinks as much as the next guy but these orders will go up to $60 - $100 sometimes. in this economy!? lmao
I'm back with a new December theme, playlist, and poll. I missed working on this site and look forward to writing more this month. Also, I added back the ability to listen to previous playlists on the site by clicking on the disc on any page. Happy Holidays everyone!
I'm going on a hiatus for a few weeks to recover and reorganize. To everyone, stay safe, plan ahead, and above all practice kindness to yourselves and those who need it most.
new blog. also updated webmaster resources, added some cool sites, and new vid of the week. November update later this week.
Thank you, and I definitely do! it should've been the first button on the marquee of the landing page but it was broken will update
Hope everyone had a great Halloween! I'm finishing up this movie marathon with a 2-for-1 special of the worst and best films of the lineup back to back: Jason Takes Manhattan and The Thing! This was quite the endeavor to pull off posting content everyday but I had a lot of fun with it. Here's to a good November!
The final installment of the Evil Dead trilogy takes a massive turn towards the comical and the badass! Here's my review of Army of Darkness!
Took me long enough to finally get to an actual horror movie... check out my review of Sam Raimi's Evil Dead II!
Second up on the Halloween Movie Marathon is the cult classic, The Rocky Horror Picture Show!
A bit of a vent post. Still hope everyone has a restful holiday this year!
my family and I have felt the EXACT same way this year. none of us are religious, and theres a good mix of young to older children, and yet none of us felt that festive spirit this year. We didnt even put up the g-dang tree. I do think growing up is a part of it, but I completely agree with the holidays being in decline thing as well, its definitely not just you.
I will say though that every december is an excuse to finally make gingerbread cookies (the best cookie flavor) so take that as you will for the remaining december days haha
i appreciate the kind words and gingerbread cookie suggestion lol. even without celebrating, hope your family had a restful time at least and made lots of cookies!