This collection is over 100 now, I hope to keep adding to it. Collecting these pixel dolls makes me really want to get back into doing pixel art, but then I quickly talk myself out of it because there's nowhere really left on the internet for pixel art.
Twitter is a dying platform that severely compresses and artifacts pixel art. Tumblr is better but still displays art below its minimum dimensions very strangely, especially on mobile devices, which everybody uses instead of desktop PCs.
Redid about and pets to be more low-key and appear in the iframe, removed the tile bg because it felt too overwhelming, I don't know what to do with anything anymore. Doesn't really matter.
His only symptom (reduced eating) arose at the same time we had to switch his food because they discontinued the flavor & brand he liked. It was easy to assume it was just because he hated the new food, so we kept trying different stuff. By the time he stopped eating 100% and we went "oh shit" it was too late. Thousands of $ on tests, IV therapy, antibiotics etc and he still didn't pull through.
I haven't been this amped about a release since UNDERTALE (I was involved with it since its Kickstarter days, and went around proselytizing the project to everyone who would listen).
Neo mutual who does here. I was amazed by the music as usual. The game will be a great experience. The Dream BBQ world feels much warmer and richer than the previos iteration of ENA, so it's gonna be great.
If I have missed you, please don't be shy to let me know - sometimes you don't make a site banner until later, sometimes I miss it, sometimes I miss new mutuals since Neocities changed how it handles "new followers" notifs. It's totally fine!