The Meerkat's Burrow

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I need to stop posting like this is a microblog, but I keep running across people condemning websites which have no purpose and it makes me so uncomfortable about my own. Does my website *need* to exist? Does it have a purpose? Do *other* people like it? Does that matter? No, not so long as Im enjoying making it, but the anxiety is there. I need to stop exposing myself to those kinds of thoughts.
shwintykat 9 months ago

I do wish I had more to offer others than the occasional recipe or photos of my rats, though. There are so many amazing artists here and greater minds than mine, I feel so inadequate when all I do is catalog virtual pets and animated gifs.

hardmachine 9 months ago

Posting what you love is "enough" IMO!

solaria 9 months ago

I don't think anyones site /needs/ to exist but it sounds like it has a purpose to you and thats what matters! make your site for you and if other people like it thats just a nice little bonus :3 recipes, rat photos, collections, etc are a perfect reason to have a personal site imo ^^ the beauty of personal sites is that you can see people sharing whats important to them that you usually dont see on the main web

columns 9 months ago

what matters most is that you're making a space for yourself on the web. and if other people question the reason for its existence, then it's simply not for them

thank you for the follow!!
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I've never been all that into getting my site out there, but I think webrings are important for the discovery of other's website and for that reason I get excited whenever I see a new one
divergentrays 9 months ago

oh, how exciting - I did not realize there was a recipe webring! I'm going to have to join.


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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedOct 30, 2022
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personal furry cyberpets nostalgia unicorns