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Is anyone else dealing with iframes not updating the page you send it to? I even added meta tags to clear the cache upon refresh and still nothing. It's showing old stuff and even when I go directly to the page, I can confirm it's properly updated, it's just not showing on the iframe.
jlehr 1 year ago

I've ran into the same issue with all my websites on neocities. I had to add "Please Press Control + F5" as the first thing it says. This will refresh every iframe that the page has connected

jlehr 1 year ago

What I did was make every subpages iframes all load in 1x1 pixel frames at the bottom of the main page too

jlehr 1 year ago

Control and F5 will refresh them

strovi 1 year ago

@jlehr thats an idea!! I'll try that. nothing else has been working at all. its been kinda frustrating but you might be on to something with the pixel thing.

venoshock 2 years ago

Congrats!!! also Chicago is very cool I'm also fond of it

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strovi 2 years ago

i agree! one of the best places i've ever explored

made my website more christmasy
heckmaster 2 years ago

Oh snap, I also take lamotrigine! Best of luck with your carpal tunnel too, that stuff sucks.

strovi 2 years ago

thanks heckmaster!!! and Yeah, lamotrigine ftw!!!

sometimes i see little data analysis projects on here and its kind of cute to see
homemade websites have such a sharp and crispy appearance that wix could NEVER achieve
got a sudden influx of people checking out my site. thank you so much for viewing! I am planning to re-do my gallery. its been a long while, i am rusty.
mental-labour 2 years ago

love your homepage

strovi 2 years ago

thank you very much!

I don't know how I'm only just discovering your site but I love the manga aesthetic and your pixel art is amazing! How the heck did you get it to animate so smoothly? Is it flash?
strovi 2 years ago

hi! omg thank you!!! And I used adobe after effects for the smooth pixel effect! It's pretty neat! Thank you for visiting my page! ^^

pixelglade 2 years ago

I had no idea Adobe After Effects could do that but it's neat. I only used Adobe Animate a little for an assignment but I haven't experimented if it can make pixel art move and have it look decent yet.

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Last updated 7 months ago
CreatedAug 11, 2019
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art music illustration