Hello!! Yes I'd love to be listed, I just hadn't had the chance to send in my form yet β€οΈ Thanks so much for coming straight to me! That's so kind of you.
oh hello, nice to meet a fellow dyke!! if you like pngs like the ones on that page, i encourage you to make your own. it's super fun, and i think it would suit your aesthetic
can everyone please close their eyes for a second. ftp on neocities sucks so this update is going to look super weird until i prune it. just pretend you dont see it ok? thank you
NO LIZ DON'T LOOK YET... come greet me in another 15 minutes!!!!! but i'm happy to see you too, thank you for the warm welcome!
Haven't opened your site yet, I promise! Just saw the update on your profile. Take your time π₯°
oh Lune, what a clever solution!! everybody please follow in her footsteps and visit https://vivarism.net/ because i somehow broke all of my files LOL. thank you lune for your bday wishes and liz for your patience... real mvps on the nc feed right now
waaa flonne v2.5 is looking so gorgeous ;__; i've had a little nosey around and i love what you've done with the place! your "help" section in particular is so lovely, i'll for sure be referring to it in the future! happy birthday & 600 days w/ sans, here's to many more!!
thank you so much kiley!! i was a feeling a little insecure about that section, so i'm happy to hear that you found some meaning there;; i'll add more when i can! and to everyone else: some stuff is still broken but Vivarism 2.5 is now online!! thank you for visiting, i hope you enjoy your stay.
Wahhhh new site version is looking beautiful!!! Glad to hear you had a nice birthday as well!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY i hope your 24th will be filled with growth, love, health and happiness!!!!!!! also i love the journals you posted
happy birthday oh my goodness!! your new css looks so pretty! I hope your life is filled with lots of love and joy! ^_^
happy birthday!!!! i'm so glad you're feeling a little better. also, i was so shocked to see anyone remembers the "hello world" theme. i've been meaning to rework it for years. you made it very cute! hope all goes well for you flonne.
Hey, nice to see you back in action!! Also, happy birthday (same age let's gooooo)!! The new pages are looking great. You know...I wonder if I could take a page out of your book and make a yume page myself? Since cringe is dead. XD Really though, glad you're feeling better. Let's keep working towards remembering the happy things :> (sorry long comment)
Thank you everyone for all the birthday wishes ;;w;; I feel so special!!! @Jay You were my favourite theme maker back in the day, I could never forget! @Gatari, you can write as much as you want here! And yes, let out your yoom!! Go crazy go stupid!
Ahhh late but happy birthday Flonne!! I can't think of a better birthday present to yourself than these gorgeous page makeovers!! Enjoy!! ;w;
short (and flippant) version: not dead, not going to die. if you've been worried for me, please read the longer, more sincere version haha....
been seeing the stuff you posted and figured it was psychosis, i understand the mechanisms you've described. it's good to see you be more aware. this seems like a lot of progress, more distance to the delusions and a very constructive approach, so you have my support and hope soon it goes away completely
that's so sweet of you kotte, thank you β₯ >__+< "distance" is exactly the right word. all the best to you too, and please send capy my love. i know she was watching out for me
i've already told her you seem to be improving and she's happy about it, but sure thing :)
hey, I've been keeping a bit of an eye on your site, and even though I was admittedly too cowardly to say anything, I was worried and thinking of you. I'm glad you're okay and you're managing, and while I don't have the same diagnoses as you, I can honestly kinda relate to your feelings as you've written here. Please continue to take care of yourself. ;v;
I was at the library earlier today but Kotte told me! I left a guestbook message during then but I noticed this was a psychotic episode :( You deserve happiness, I'm glad you're better!
im glad to hear you're doing better flonne! wishing you all the best in your self-care and recovery β₯
thank you liz, pom, capy, and kiley!! @gatari, it sounds like you wish you'd had a little more confidence, or known what to say sooner, huh? belated or not, i'll happily accept your kindness. i'm hoping both of us can find relief from what troubles us
I've learned that even if we have different ideas, we can still be good people. I think you are a good person, Flonne. Even if I disagree with you on certain things.
You are human, and you have goodness. The only person who can help you is yourself, and you deserve help.
A lot of people are worried about you, Flonne. I hope you feel much better soon.
chip... thank you for your concern and your kindness, and as always i wish for you to grow up healthy and strong, but as i've said before i do not want to have a personal relationship with you. i don't dislike you-- i'm indifferent and uninterested. i've deleted your comments on my other post. please don't contact me ever again.
regarde pas. c'est toxique et tu vas mourir. l'intensite est inexplicable, abnormal, malicieux. la spectacle ne peut que faire du mal pcq je suis malfaisant. il n'ya pas de humain ici, juste les ruses d'un demon. toi et moi les deux vont mourir
Et pourtant, tu mérites toutes les plus belles choses du monde. J'ignore si tu t'en rends compte mais tu as réussi à exprimer et à offrir beaucoup de bien autour de toi. Cette capacité à écrire et à positiver tout en étant complètement bienveillant, ça a aidé, je pense beaucoup plus de personnes autour de toi que tu ne le penses !
RΓ©ussir Γ pousser les gens vers un cheminement de bonheur, c'est incroyable. J'ai toujours admirΓ© Γ§a chez toi
Et toi aussi, dans tes Γ©crits tu as adoptΓ© le bonheur et malheur les deux. Ton engagement de la vΓ©ritΓ©, tΓ©nΓ©breuse et lΓ©gΓ¨re, m'a toujours impressionnΓ©. C'est sincΓ¨re de mΓͺme que poΓ©tique. En ce monde, on ne peut Γͺtre que soi-mΓͺme, Γͺtre humain unique avec toutes les troubles et douleurs que vient avec la vie elle-mΓͺme. Personne ne les Γ©vite.
Et pourtant, il y a tant que bonheur, tellement de joi, rire, conforts. Souvent plus de ça que malheur, tant qu'on veut bien chercher. Toujours, il y a un futur plus brillant qui nous attends. Donc, je vais me souvenir de tes conseils : observe les mots, observe les pensées. Je les observerai et chercherai à la lumière dans les ténèbres. Merci pour ta compassion. Je n'oublierai jamais.
i'm sorry to have tricked you too, lune, you dont desrve it at all. i have more to say but don't read any of it or else it will infect you and you'll die. be careful.
you havenβt tricked me, you are a person, one who Iβve connected with so naturally I care for you! Every interaction Iβve had with you has done nothing but bring me joy. I wouldnβt care for you the way I do if you truly brought me suffering. Consider what I sent you, please get the help you need. Iβll be here for you as always
If you feel sorry for potentially hurting me and care enough about me to caution me, clearly you have goodness in you. You always have. Take care the best you can Flonne
You have rights to ask for help, for love, for things you need. You have rights to feel sad, to cry a lot, to feel stuck in your life. But don't forget that, seasons will past and evolve. Humans are influenced by seasons, the beautiful days will come back. The rain too. Trust the life.
nothing new, just trying to fix things i broke;; let me know if you encounter any missing images or dead links
Your questionaire looks like so much fun!! I will be completing it this afternoon ^_^ thank you for sharing your hard work!!
YAY I can't wait to see it Liz!! Will it be about you and Manjoume?? I was just looking at your harem page and it made me so nostalgic for my Akatsuki days... (former Itachiwife)
No way we were all akatsuki fangirlsβ¦. (I was deidara for Halloween this year and my room mate was sasori.. yes we were sasodei shippers..)
I love you online SasoDei shippers!! Yes, it will be about Manjoume. You are opening up so many possiblities to me! I never even considered eating breakfast with him?? Somehow??
@Lune: and you didn't take yaoi cosplay pics?!??!! a missed opportunity T__+T but the Akatsuki really were the best/coolest/hottest werent they? @Liz: the "everyday life" section is one of my faves for that reason!! I hope you'll come up with lots of new lovey dovey fantasies as you go <33
@liz I am eagerly awaiting your sasodei shrine.. (i think i remember you planning to make one) and @flonne we did actually! we went through sasodei fanart and recreated them irl LOL I can totally email you a couple funny ones!
@cloverbell, ahhh!! Could you email them to me too if you're comfortable? My email is on my about page! SasoDei shrine isn't officially up yet but it can be found at https://lizonline.neocities.org/sasodei >_> shhhhh. Keep it a secret . . . sorry to derail the thread! Hope everyone is well ^_^
@liz you got it! n_n and omg
considers the questionnaire closely.
go for it, gatari!! ganbare! i want to know who your husbando or waifu is!!!!