πŸ§ƒπŸ§ΈπŸŽˆπŸŒž Vivarism πŸŒžπŸ§ΈπŸŽˆπŸ§ƒ

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vivarism 1 year ago

no clickbait......just rambling

thejhemerlynproject 1 year ago

Congratulations on writing again!

vivarism 1 year ago

aw, thank you very much πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“!!! to everyone else: let the jhemerlyn project's comment be my clickbait title for today. i was so busy adding the 2DLove Webring script to my page that i forgot to write one LOL

strawberryreverie 1 year ago

Your Genshin page is soooo cute and what a great way to chronicle your time playing it! I also loved your fic, I'm glad you could find your passion for writing again! It was nice to get a glimpse of your little life together, love that Sans gave into the cuddles heheh~

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vivarism 1 year ago

thank you arachne πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί ahh i'm blushing because i'm so happy that you read it!!! there's even more yume stuff on page 2 of my genshin diary, crtl + f "yoom" if you want to see!!

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strawberryreverie 1 year ago

Thoma looks sooo cute!! Is his personality fairly cheerful? A makura-gaeshi is such a unique choice for your yokai OC, he'll never know peace once he's met her, but it seems he won't be bothered! Her backstory is so sad and their relationship together is very touching, and I'm so happy she gets a second chance to live together with Thoma. Her haircut is so cute!!

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strawberryreverie 1 year ago

Will she learn how to style it differently or will she keep it as it is, you think? Taiyo is such a perfect name for her β™₯ Oh, and I really resonated with your sentiment about overly sexy designs in female characters... I'm not saying they can never be well-done, but they usually aren't.

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vivarism 1 year ago

not sure if you'll see this reply but your comments and questions gave me so many ideas!!! thank you again for taking a look at what i had to say;;//// next time i mail you, i'll respond to this part too!

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vivarism 1 year ago

Sooooo I got hooked on Genshin and put everything else in my life on pause. Does anybody else play on the EU server?? Come enable my bad behaviour please

nenrikido 1 year ago

Do you like using Thoma for a burgeon team? I leveled him up to 90 and c6'd way back when he was first released to spite the haters and use him in a Hu Tao/Xingiu/Sucrose comp, but it'd be fun to make him more hardcore. I'd even learn how Dendro works! I play on the US server, but I'd enable your bad behavior otherwise!!

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cabbagesorter 1 year ago

>Why is it that I can conceptualise and adhere to longterm goals in my silly Chinese video game, but not in my real life?

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cabbagesorter 1 year ago

wow, you're like, literally me! (qT Ο‰ Tq)

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cloveratelier 1 year ago

oh my goodness your yume info on your genshin diaries was so cute i couldn't stop smiling!! i don't play anymore but seeing your excitement and enjoyment reflected in this pages is so heartwarming, best of luck with your pulls!!!

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loves1ck 1 year ago

I don't go here but your Genshin log is so very cute lol!

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vivarism 1 year ago

@jay OMG beastmode Thoma vape;; I feel so envious! Thoma/Nahida burgeon is my dream team ahh, wish me luck on her banner next week ⭐ And I wish we could play together too... alas, perhaps in another life. At least our OCs might get along hehehe. Idk if you're still doing anything with Hasumi, but she's so cute and has such a creative backstory!!

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vivarism 1 year ago

@cabbage idk if I should be sad or happy that you relate! At least we can both enjoy games. Are you still playing Life Makeover? If so please show everyone your coords, I'm dying to see

vivarism 1 year ago

@kiley thank you thank you πŸ₯Ί I was kinda embarrassed about that part, so I feel relieved knowing it gave you some smiles! I hope I can draw/write about Taiyo some more later on. I'm still waiting patiently for your yume works too >:3 I wish you luck as well, this time w/Enstars pulls! Lord knows we both need luck in these games hahaha

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vivarism 1 year ago

@lapin thank you for taking a peek even though the content won't grab you! as usual my design is carried by stolen art πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ one day i'll draw my own assets i swear

vivarism 1 year ago

FINALLY! NEW stickers in the Cutie and Dotty Sets!!!!! Hundreds of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

chrysanthemum 1 year ago

So cute!!! The autumn ones are so cozy.

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loves1ck 1 year ago

Ahhh love these, can't wait to use them! Thanks for all your hard work! πŸ™πŸ»β€οΈ

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strawberryreverie 1 year ago

Thank you for your hard work in providing these!! They are so cute, what a joy to share them with everyone.

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vivarism 1 year ago

Big otsukare energies in this comment section heheheh. Thank YOU everyone for taking an interest in my pngs!

Happy New Year!!! Vote for Vivarism's Best Page in 2023 on my funny little poll :+) ( Also is it just me or did Kyle break the comments again?? >.> )
loves1ck 1 year ago

Ugh finally commenting is back! I wrote a comment but couldn't post it until the comments got fixed so please excuse the lateness v.v :...your 2023 year review was just so darling and heartfully written that i wanted to show my love for it! firstly, the layout is SO cute. i love the colors and the carefully selected

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loves1ck 1 year ago

the carefully selected gifs on each page. the spread of all your '23 layouts really shows how talented you are. as usual, your eye for design brings me joy! i can tell how much love and effort goes into crafting each page and layout, and you deserve all the compliments about being unique in aesthetic and content.

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loves1ck 1 year ago

i am going to add all the media that you've consumed and liked over 2023 to my media list! i am the kind of person that revisits old favorites instead of taking a chance on new things, so what better way to start one of my 2024 resolutions than with your list? you have great taste so i know i'll enjoy the books/manga/music you've written about.

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loves1ck 1 year ago

speaking of writing, i really appreciate your diary entries and reading about your journey. the resources you've used, the books that helped guide you, what worked and what didn't. change is a long and arduous process, and you are incredibly strong and brave to take it on. i've also struggled a lot with the things you deal with, it does get better's a constant battle. don't ever forget you are a fighter!

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loves1ck 1 year ago

just know that this random internet stranger is in your corner, cheering you on <3 :) whew, im so sorry for this monster of a sappy comment but i really did enjoy reading about your year! i hope 2024 brings much happiness and many blessings to you, flonne. happy new year! β™‘ β™₯

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loves1ck 1 year ago

p.s.: your computer is also one of the cutest i've ever seen!

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vivarism 1 year ago

oh my goodness lapin πŸ₯Ί if this comment is a sappy monster then it's got me down with a 1HKO!!!! i have a lot to say in response (i'll mail you!) but i want to say here that, to me, you are more than a random internet stranger. i look up to you a lot and appreciate the work you do, both on your website and in the community you've built for others like us. thank you for everything, and for these heartfelt words too πŸ’–

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Adorable aesthetic, congrats!
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vivarism 1 year ago

thank you, kotte!! it's nice to meet you ^__+^

vivarism 1 year ago

Doing a bit better this time. Thanks again to everyone who wished me well earlier. Let's all stay alive in the new year ✨

cloverbell 1 year ago

Happy new year Flonne, I hope this year brings you a lot of success and happiness! No matter what happens I'll always be wishing you the best. Take care!

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vivarism 1 year ago

Same to you, Lune πŸ’›πŸ’«βœ¨ I'm sure 2024 will bring you blessings and joyful moments in abundance!

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22yk01 1 year ago

I am sending you love

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nenrikido 1 year ago

Truly hope things look up for you soon. Best wishes.

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hardmachine 1 year ago

Hope you feel better, it's hard to get out of that space but it's possible...

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strawberryreverie 1 year ago

You're really hard on yourself! You say you're not getting any better, but look at the progress you've made now vs where you were a year or two ago. Sometimes healing our minds is dreadfully, painfully slow but that's ok, what matters is that we keep trying. The hard part is persistence of course... It's so much easier to just give up isn't it? But you deserve better than that. You owe it to yourself.

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strawberryreverie 1 year ago

A friend once told me she operates on a "stop light" system. Green light for when she is having a good mental health day, where she pushes herself to her limits and accomplishes great things. Yellow light for when she is in the middle, doing what she can manage. And red light, for those hard times. When you are in "red light", let your body and mind rest.

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strawberryreverie 1 year ago

Never feel guilty about letting your body rest when you're feeling unwell, and there will be a time when you're in "green light" again. That's your window of opportunity! The cycle can be a little maddening, but it gets easier to manage, I promise. I hope you feel better.

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vivarism 1 year ago

thank you orin, capy, jay... you didnt have to say anything, but you took the time anyway and for that i'm grateful

vivarism 1 year ago

and arachne, thank you for reminding me that by design this process is slow. i can hate it, i can be frustrated by it, i can go into despair about it, but no matter how strong my resistance or how mournful my lament, it's just going to take time. a long time. in the meantime, i'll try to be patient and forgiving. thank you for your insight

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vivarism 1 year ago

Clickbait title: If it crawls, it's not a corpse.

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