auberylis [dot] moe

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I've been working on a new engine to replace MyArtGallery and its forks for a blog, etc, etc. The main thing about this engine is it's just a collection of abstractions + an automatically rendered editor for the resulting data model. It's easily turned into a blog, a gallery, a wiki or whatever just with a suiting config (~100 lines of mostly descriptive code). So far so good, but not sure this is it just yet
astrossoundhell 3 days ago

It's definitely lighter and better organized than MyAG, and if you take away the parts needed for the editor - it's even smaller. I figured i'd need something considerably malleable if i want to run my outfit gallery, kandi museum, music review blog, twitteroid, bandcampoid, etc, all off the same core engine :'D this also means that people can write their own configs and end up with highly custom setups

astrossoundhell 3 days ago

Which is to say, i want to post to the website, but because i am a fucked up person, i cannot just go and edit the page's HTML each time. I *have* to write a thing that does a thing and is a funny system of gears. Once i get that running, music reviews and OC wiki it is (hopefully)


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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedMay 12, 2017
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music personal visual samples