auberylis [dot] moe

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seriously considering nekoweb at this point. the lack of reaction from KD is suspicious and unnerving
astrossoundhell 2 weeks ago

one thing i dislike about nekoweb is the lack of commenting etc - it's one big RSS dump instead. I see the appeal, but also i kinda like the idea of being able to leave little comments on people's pages and maybe replying to friends' updates.

foureleven 2 weeks ago

Dimden literally uses AI for his site.

1 like
gremlin 2 weeks ago

@foureleven has nekoweb implemented AI into it's editor twice and still has remains of it?

gremlin 2 weeks ago

from what I can tell the problem with AI on neocities is far worse then using AI in vscode.

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astrossoundhell 2 weeks ago

@foureleven it's not a question of whether people use LLMs to make an engine run, which sux in my eyes too, but many do right now, and if the technology was near-harmless power wise, i wouldn't care *too* much. It's a question of pushing using AI on *us*, not clarifying their stance on scraping *our* art and thoughts and such to train one - something i would be massively against.


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CreatedMay 12, 2017
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