made a separate splashscreen that you get if you access *any* page and didn't see the splash within a month, then takes you back to the page you wanted. Also fixed some dumb stuff and made calm mode not explosive on mobile so that the place can be visited from a surveillance brick in a pinch
LMFAO this completely obliterated the autoscreenshot thing :D I will have to do something about that...
also new alice version. gosh i'm so obsessed with alice, this idiotically redundant logic sim that no one but me needs. but it works and you can fuck around in it. saving ALMOST works now, yay!
Major update! Check out /fits/ and /bmco/ - those are the two new major thingies. Also!!! Finally, a BUTTON - grab it from the bottom of my index page. If you have the old one... time to update, this one's so much cooler cause it's a kandi! Peace!
i'm glad i could debloat the thing and there are options to unround most edges, return an actual context menu, etc, but that doesn't have to be a set of hacky addons. that has to be default fucking settings. i'm beyound angry! And from an artistic point of view..flat tone minimalism is a *tough style*, you can and will shoot yourself in the leg with it if you've no experience or common sense. And they sure did shoot
@dietglory it has huge problems with pre-11 software -- i/my friends consistently get small bugs in about 40% of programs that we use. The UI got a fair bit of improvements that were power toys in win10, but it has SO much bloat bundled and SO many shitty design choices it's not even funny. Not even talking about mikes spying on you better and better with each version...
The consensus on hackernews is that Win11 only exists to squeeze money out of people loyal to the windows brand. MS is haemorrhaging money from all their acquisitions and the only way they can make any more is from analytics.
tried to fix the autoscreenshotter - didn't work :c not sure what to do about it. i do want the message to be shown at every page so it stays
also, put up a support-me page. pretty sure it won'd do nothing, but better to have it than not, i guess? i'm not starving rn but every dollar is a knob for my diy synth, which i then document and put up for others to study/build :D