Bill's World

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I'm so impressed by this webpage-winthin-webpage effect. Is this some HTML5 thingy that Flash isn't capable of? because I've heard about all sorts of nifty effects that HTML5 can pull off.
billsworld 5 years ago

Not really... just a couple of nested tables and an iframe. :)

billsworld 5 years ago

One of the nice things about this is that you can actually follow the links in it and see what your site would look like at 800x600 like it would have back in the day! oh and the back and forward buttons do work in the browser :) I wish I knew how I could make the location bar work too.

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empeethree 5 years ago

well, the 800x600 canvas sure is a classic Windows 95 type thing. But there's also 640x480 rez which is close to NTSC video. There's also 320x200 which is a low rez for video games that has tall pixels, and Doom is the most famous example of that.

Anything you see on my pages is free for everyone to take and use as you please. If I made it it is mine to give... If I took it then I have no right say you can't take it too... By the way if you borrow enough things from enough different places, it isn't theft... its research!
billsworld 5 years ago

Don't be amakin' accusations, there matey!

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oh shit, just saw the button you made! would you rather use an official one (
cubertown 5 years ago

also i might use yours for the page if you dont mind

billsworld 5 years ago

cool everything I have is free for all

For some odd reason if you put a gmail address into my contact form the message never gets to me... works with all other emails though... >:(
Your guestbook is not working... I would like to talk about joining the Webring but before I would like to know your thoughts about automating it so you don't have to do so much work. Shoot me an email message thought my contact page. Thanks!
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billsworld 5 years ago

Send it again... use this page please -->

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therealman 5 years ago

Resent. Let me know if it doesn't work again.

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billsworld 5 years ago

The form works I've tested it on a variety of platforms from many different machines. The PHP is solid. You do, however have to fill it out with a name, properly formed email address, and include a message. then you have to click the send email button. you should see a pop-up that tells you the message was sent. The email while properly formed doesn't have to be valid, though it helps if it is so I can reply

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billsworld 5 years ago

And no, I haven't received an email from you yet, not even in the spam folder... I'm baffled because all the tests I've done this morning worked fine.

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therealman 5 years ago

Huh... Yeah, I did fill the form out with a name, my e-mail address, and my message. I even sent it twice just to be sure. Could you send me an e-mail at , just to be sure?

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Your guestbook isn't working.... But you've been JAUPed! :)
leanne 5 years ago

Thanks :)

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CreatedMay 20, 2019
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